Smart Ways To Apply For Jobs In UAE

Tens of Thousands of Jobs are posted daily online since the UAE economy is growing and well established, jobs are here, searching for a job in the UAE can be rewarding yet challenging. By adopting strategic approaches and leveraging available resources, you can enhance your chances of landing the ideal role. Things are evolving and changing, things that you did 5 years back may no longer apply today similarly how to apply for jobs is also changing, you need to be smart in job applications do not choose the old route, or else you will complain like other that there are no jobs in UAE or job market is saturated.

1. Develop a Targeted Approach

Begin with a focused strategy to maximize your job search efforts in the UAE. Start by honing in on your target industry and roles that align closely with your skills and experience. Avoid applying for positions where you don’t meet at least 80% of the qualifications this is very important many candidates apply without having the required qualifications and then end up complaining.

Research and compile a list of the top 10-20 companies that operate within your sector. Create separate, customized CVs for each target company highlighting your relevant skills and experiences. Search the jobs with the relevant keyword followed by the City name for example if you are searching for a Front Office position you can make your search query like this “Front office Dubai” and try to apply for the jobs posted within 1 week of today’s date

2. Time Your Job Search

To maximize your job search success, understand the rhythm of the recruitment cycle in the UAE. Align your efforts with peak hiring periods to increase your chances of landing a role. January to February, followed by March to May, are the prime months when companies are actively recruiting.

Proactively schedule your job applications during these high-activity periods. Set aside dedicated time daily to search, apply, and follow up on job postings.

Avoid job hunting during the summer months of June, July, and August. Recruitment tends to slow down considerably during this period due to the heat and people taking vacations. Similarly, activities almost reach a standstill during the holy month of Ramadan.

The end-of-year period, particularly November and December, sees a dip in recruitment activities as companies are closing out their fiscal years. Consider focusing on networking, refining your CV, or improving your skills during these quieter months.

Leverage Online Job Portals Stick to the top 10 make a proper account with all the necessary information and apply there religiously.

LinkedIn is a gold mine the best thing about LinkedIn is that many relevant jobs are posted there and competition is quite low there

Build relationships with recruiters specializing in your field. A good recruiter can provide insights into the job market, advice on job search approaches, and offer feedback on your resume and interview performance. You can join career-related forums and communities for that.

Polish Your Online Presence

Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete and includes a professional photo, compelling headline, and well-written summary highlighting your core competencies and career aspirations. It is advisable to buy the premium service for Linkedin, regularly update your experience section, and ask for recommendations from former colleagues and supervisors.

Manage your digital footprint by reviewing your other social media profiles for consistency and professionalism. Google yourself to see what information is publicly available and make necessary adjustments.

Fine-Tune Your CV

Create a clear, professional layout that’s easy to scan. Use bullet points and concise language to describe your roles and achievements, We have already written how you can craft a perfect CV you read our article here

Quantify your accomplishments where possible, including specific numbers and metrics that highlight the impact of your work.

3. Partner with Reliable Recruitment Agencies

Collaborating with reputable recruitment agencies can significantly enhance your job search in Dubai. These agencies offer valuable industry knowledge and connections that can give you an edge in finding suitable positions, for this you need to do extensive research on which agencies are registered and reliable at the same time

Choose agencies that specialize in your field. They often have access to unadvertised job openings and maintain close relationships with hiring managers, providing you with insider information and advice to tailor your applications effectively.

Good recruitment agencies offer personalized support, including:

  • Resume crafting
  • Cover letter writing assistance
  • Interview Preparation
  • Advice on salary expectations
  • Insights on benefits and career progression opportunities in the UAE job market

When selecting an agency:

  • Verify their reputation through online reviews
  • Seek recommendations from industry peers
  • Ensure they take commissions from employers, not job seekers, to avoid potential scams

Working with a reliable recruitment agency can provide strategic advantages in your job search, leveraging their expertise and resources to improve your chances of securing the right position in Dubai.

4. On-ground Familiarity:

Every city has different dynamics you need to be familiar with how things work you can consider meeting with a local person and inquiring about the hiring process, and how recruitment takes place in UAE, some entry-level positions are advertised at the front of shops, while many hiring managers recruit through strong reference, you just need to be on a grinding mode and you will see how easy it will become to get employed.          

5. Build and Utilize Your Network

Networking is crucial in Dubai’s competitive job market, often leading to exclusive opportunities. Here’s how to make the most of your networking efforts:

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile and connect with industry professionals, personalizing each request.
  • Join and actively participate in relevant LinkedIn groups to increase visibility and stay updated on industry trends.
  • Set up one-on-one networking meetings, offering insights and seeking advice.
  • Attend industry events and job fairs in Dubai to meet potential employers and expand your network.
  • Leverage alumni networks for job leads and industry insights.
  • Make sure you are active in different job groups At least 10
  • Follow up with new contacts regularly to nurture relationships.

“Your network is your net worth.” – Porter Gale

By actively building and utilizing your network, you create a support system of industry peers and mentors who can guide you throughout your career journey in Dubai. Remember, networking is a long-term investment that can lead to significant future opportunities.

6. Get a Local Dubai Number

This is one the most underrated things to do in UAE. Adding a local Dubai phone number to your CV and LinkedIn profile can significantly enhance your chances of getting noticed by recruiters, Many employers in UAE specifies a candidate must be in UAE It signals that you’re already in the region and ready for interviews, making you a more attractive candidate

Benefits include:

  • Implying immediate availability for interviews
  • Potential for a quicker start date
  • Saving companies relocation costs

To obtain a local number, visit a store of major telecommunications providers like DU or Etisalat in Dubai. Purchase a prepaid SIM card, remembering to bring your passport for identification.

Once you have your local number:

  • Update your CV
  • Revise your LinkedIn profile
  • Modify other job search platforms
  • Mention it in your cover letters and email communications with recruiters

This small step can make a big difference in personalizing your application and demonstrating your dedication to the Dubai job market.

By implementing these strategies and maintaining a positive outlook, you’ll position yourself as a strong candidate ready to seize new opportunities in Dubai’s job market.