Articles Jobs Archive

UAE Job Market And Cost of Living

Job opportunities in the UAE can be a rewarding and tough at the same time, you will get an international exposure but it is not at all easy to compete with all the nationalities out there. The market offers roles across various sectors, and understanding these can help you make informed decisions about your career

Smart Ways To Apply For Jobs In UAE

Tens of Thousands of Jobs are posted daily online since the UAE economy is growing and well established, jobs are here, searching for a job in the UAE can be rewarding yet challenging. By adopting strategic approaches and leveraging available resources, you can enhance your chances of landing the ideal role. Things are evolving and

10 Things to do If you are Stuck in your Career

1. Evaluate Your Career Goals Take a step back and assess your current career path against your long-term goals, see in your current department how the ladder is what position you will be in the next 5 to 10 years,  and consider what motivates you, whether it’s passion, financial stability, or personal growth. Determine if

10 Reason Why Jobs will going to be Tougher in Future

1. Automation & AI Expansion Automation and AI are rapidly advancing, reshaping industries and job markets globally. These technologies perform tasks ranging from simple to complex, including roles traditionally held by professionals in various sectors. As they evolve, the line between tasks that require human interaction and those that can be automated blurs. This poses

How to Sustain your Job

Jobs Sustainability is as important as securing a job, the motivation and adrenaline rush which is all time high when near to securing a job, diminishes as soon as you are hired, there are many aspects of jobs that need to be carefully looked after securing the job to excel, getting a job is just like entering the door, successfully

How to Grow in Your Career

Career Growth is essential in everyone’s life it keeps you motivated and allows you to get up daily and work for it, setting your objectives and goals is necessary and then aligning your goals with the goals of the organization is important too but this all sounds too easy right? The problem arises when you

Understanding UAE Employment Contracts and Legal Requirements

After getting employed this is where people get stuck when they fail to understand or read their contract, the initial joy of getting a job ends up accepting contracts that may be undesirable, so it is important for the candidate after getting the offer letter he/she need to thoroughly read and understand the employment contract